Scrap Love Stat for Incredimail (Tutorial Contest)

fiona2412fiona2412 MemberNAT Warrior

This is a long tutorial that will be spaces over several threads. It is suitable for the 1st time user of Letter Creator, a programme that comes with the Incredimail. You will get 10 "tries" at making stat's for free before you will need to purchase the premium version of Incredimail

Scrap Love Stat

This tutorial was written by Fiona Pomfrett on November 5th 2006.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.
Do not copy and paste this tutorial anywhere on the net.
Scripting and translating of this tutorial is strictly forbidden.
If you have any problems please contact me HERE

For this tutorial you will need
:PSP - Any Version
:Animation Shop
:Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation
:Heart Hangers from Monti
:Scrap Papers from Monti
Both Heart Hangers & Scrap Papers can be found under Scrap Kits, please read Monti's TOU before downloading anything.

open 2 papers of your choice and a heart hanger of your choice, I used Monti_HeartBrushes and Monti_HeartsLight

Resize the 2 papers using the settings below
Set the resolution to 72.000 BEFORE you change the other settings

On the paper you want to use for your main background (I'm using Monti_HeartsLights)
Effects, Image Effects, Seemless Tiling, use these settings

Set this paper as your foreground

Open a new canvas 1280 x 250, floodfill with the pattern

Add a new raster layer (layers, new raster layer) flood fill with white
Lower the opacity of the white layer to about 48 or so

Add another new layer. Grab your selection tool and choose Custom Selection

Set your custom selection as below

Select your other paper and set it to your foreground, set the scale to 75

Add a new raster layer and floodfill the selected area with your other pattern

Selections, selections none. Add a drop shadow to this layer

Select your Heart Hanger and resize

Copy and paste your heart hanger as a new layer onto your canvas
Move the heart hanger so it's on the left side

Select your magic wand, settings as below

Select in side the heart of your hanger

You may want to zoom in slightly

Continued in thread 2
"I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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  • fiona2412fiona2412 Member NAT Warrior
    Continued from thread 1

    Once you have selected the inside of the heart, duplicate the heart hanger layer twice, so you have 3 copies of it

    Hide the 2 copies by clicking the eye on the layer palette and activate the original Heart Hanger layer

    Effects, Plugins, Xenofex 2, Constellation

    Hide this layer and activate your middle copy, repeat the constellation but hit the random seed button

    Hide this layer and activate your top copy, repeat the constellation but again hit the random seen button

    Selections, Selections None

    Open up Animation Shop
    Hide your 2 copies of the Heart Hanger, all other layers should be open

    Edit, Copy Merged

    Go to Animation Shop (AS), Edit, Paste as New Animation

    Back to PSP, hide your original Heart Hanger layer, and open the middle copy, leaving your bottom layer as the activated layer
    Edit, Copy Merged
    Back to AS, Edit, Paste after current frame

    Back to PSP, hide your middle layer and open your top layer, Edit, Copy Merged
    Back to AS, Edit, Paste After Current Frame

    While still in AS, go to View, Animation, to see how your image looks
    File, Save As a .gif file

    Continued on thread 3
    "I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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  • fiona2412fiona2412 Member NAT Warrior
    Continued from thread 2

    Open up Letter Creator

    On the Body Tab, in the top box under where it says Background, press Clear

    Now click on Image, you will get a pop up box, look for where we saved the image too

    You will now have something like this

    Still on the body tab, press Tile

    This will tile your image across the entire letter

    Let's sort that text out, so it isn't covering our nice heart hanger on the left
    Below Background (still on the body tab) you will see Text and Margins, these are what we need to set
    Set your font to a font of your choice from the drop down menu, I used Verdana

    Now choose the size of your font

    You can now keep the color of your text as black as you can change it
    To use a pre-defined color, click on Text Color

    This is what your pre-defined color chart looks like

    Or you can select Sample

    Choosing this options, will give you a dropper tool that you can use to select a color from your letter
    I used a grey from the Heart Hanger
    Repeat the steps above with either pre-defined or sample color for you link color
    To set the color for your signature, select one from the drop down menu, unfortunatly there are not many options

    Continued in thread 4
    "I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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  • fiona2412fiona2412 Member NAT Warrior
    Continued from thread 3

    Let's set the margins now
    Set the Top margin to 10, this will leave a little gap at the top of the letter
    Set the Left margin to about 150, so it is not covering the left tile

    Set the Right margin to 10, your Margin area should look like this now

    The next few steps are quick and easy

    Click on the header tab, and in both Header Background Color and Header Content and Layout, click Clear

    Click on the Left Tab, (we'll come back to the footer later)
    Click on the Clear button in both sections

    Now click the Right Tab and click thr Clear button in both sections

    Back to the Footer Tab
    Press Clear in both sections

    Now let's add out copyright
    We need to credit ourselves and Monti for the scrap elements we used
    This is what I do when I am copyrighting a letter
    Letter by -Lol- (this is my copyright, remember try not to use the ? symbol as this will cause problems if you use artist's work
    Scrap Papers & Heart Hanger ? Monti (we need to credit Monti for letting us use her work)
    So add your copyrights to the footer in the space provided, remember to set the font and size so it matches the rest of our letter
    I changed the size to 8, slightly smaller than used on the letter

    We need to add some links now, if you have a website you might want to link your name to your site
    Highlight your name

    When the box pop's up, add the link to your website or maybe your email address


    Now link Monti's name to her website the same way

    Go to the 3D Effects Tab
    From the list choose an effect and set it to all the boxes by clicking the blue arrow, make sure all boxes are ticked

    Accross to the last box, Finish
    Name your letter, this is your choice
    Now you need to create a collection
    I am using LPD Scrap Collection

    Ignore the bottom options
    Last 2 steps now, click the Save Project Button, click save, then click OK
    Click Add to Incredimail, click OK

    WOO HOO That's it...your letter is all done, well done, give yourself a pack on the back

    To download the stat that I made click Here, this will automatically install into incredimail, you can then find it under LPD Scrap Collection
    "I didn't lose my mind it was mine to give away" No Regrets by Robbie Williams

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