Developers Launch Equentity LLC, Build on Experience


Equentity LLC, a new Web development firm based in Ohio, announced today it has officially opened its doors for business. The company has three dynamic founding partners, located in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Its founders, who include Paul Hirsch, located in the United States, Jamie Harrop, and Paul Rid****, both located in the United Kingdom, are seasoned web developers with more than 15 years combined experience.

The partners are best known for creating and launching the highly successful International Web Developers Network (IWDN).

“We think it’s important to offer other developers a central resource for discussion and share knowledge amongst colleagues and competitors,” said Hirsch. “When we learn from other developers, we become that much more effective for our customers. When other developers learn from us, we collectively raise the bar on quality, which is good for the entire industry.”

The team has fifteen years of combined development experience, and professional and academic backgrounds in marketing, public relations, advertising, copy writing and editing.

“Our experience allows us to draw on a wealth of traditional media knowledge, making our Web offerings incredibly effective,” said Hirsch.

Harrop, Hirsch and Rid**** act as equal owners of Equentity LLC. They employ the talents of a select few associated developers on a by-project basis.

For more information regarding Equentity LLC, visit
For more information regarding the IWDN, visit

About Equentity LLC
Founded in summer 2005, Equentity LLC is a joint venture of three internationally located Web developers and marketing specialists. The company is owned and operated by Ohio-based Paul Hirsch, and United Kingdom-based Jamie Harrop and Paul Rid****. Its clients include businesses, organizations and individuals in northeast Ohio, as well as customers throughout the United States and the United Kingdom. For more information, please visit the company website at
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