Web Design help

SEbasicSEbasic Advanced UserVPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
Hi guys...

I've been working on a site recently that is aimed to help people learn web design...

I've noticed a lot of people ask questions that this site might be able to help with...

It has been designed to give people the starting blocks to learning how develop really good web sites. (Not from a design point of view, mooe the actual site build etc...)

Let me know that you think of this web design tutorial site...

Any questions, PM me...

Rave it up.


  • pfgannonpfgannon Moderator Administrator
    i was checkin it out earlier
    its really good... i especially like the design guide i believe it was called
  • rallyfanrallyfan Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    what about free templates so they work on and tutorials and many other things like downloads.

    nice site that!
    for the sake of old times!

  • SEbasicSEbasic Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    no... nothing like that there.

    Thank's guys
    Rave it up.
  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    it seems a good site BUT the 1st thing i noticed was google ads
    your site should be aimed at teaching people html not trying to earn money
    i know you have to cover costs but if that would have been me id have left the page straight away, ive done it beofre when viewing sites and no doubt i will ave to d it again in the future.

    BUT i still like the site, i just think your adds need moving below your content or to the side
  • tntcheatstntcheats Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Tony, if you're not willing to support webmasters, then why should they care if you don't use up their bandwidth?

    I find it interesting how the boxes on the right overlap the padding on the right of the content, but don't overlap.

    The website, however, seems very busy. Lots of stuff on it. I found it a little bit hard to navigate around.
  • SEbasicSEbasic Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    Yeah, it really needs a redesign.

    It's nice clean code but like you say, it just looks too busy. There could be twice as many pages of content if I broke it down and spread it out a bit.

    Is there anything else on the site you would find useful?

    Any particular types of tutorials?

    Tony -

    The advertising is there as an experiment more than anything else.
    Most of my favourite sites are running ads on them. I would never leave as a result of a site displaying advertising - I you do, then you are missing out on some great sites.
    Rave it up.
  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    no i wasnt calling your site or saying i leave as a result of advertising
    i was saying that the first thing i noticed on your site was the advertising because it was slap bang in the middle, i understand people have to advertise, no doubt when i start paying for hosting ill be putting ads on my site BUT what i meant was your ads shouldnt be the most prominent feature of your site when it first loads up,

    it was just a suggestion, as to me it gives the impression your more interested in revenue than helping people to learn.
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Actually, It took me some time to find the ads.... :D lol.
    Otherwise, its good... Although your right, it is a little busy... :D

    Also, Make your browser window narrow and the ads go into the right column and if you make the window wider there is one big blank spcae to the right of the ads.... :P
  • tntcheatstntcheats Senior Member The Royal RAM
    If the first thing they notice is the ads, it serves a higher chance of allowing profit for him.
  • rallyfanrallyfan Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    well i think ads look cool at the top on forums and at the bottom of the index page and the other pages.
    for the sake of old times!

  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    ok i seem to be alone on this 1

    and yes possibly tnt
    but like i said before if it was me who opened a page and was confronted by ads straight away id close the window, losing potential customersand page views
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